Friday, December 3, 2010

Be Mindful About What You Use. GO GREEN!

I read in this month's Yoga Journal that the holiday season brings about a 20-30% increase in trash. The trash not only comes from wrapping paper and boxes that gifts come in but from decorations and disposable plates and utensils used while entertaining.

How can you be "GREEN" this holiday season without sacrificing a festive look?

ONE way is to go to thrift stores, dollar stores, garage sales, etc. and pick up holiday plates or festive color plates for a reasonable price. This way you use dishes that can go into the dishwasher and not the garbage can. (Perhaps you can even borrow extra plates from a friend or neighbor.) If you do not wish to keep them after the party, you can always make a charitable donation. The cost of buying plates can run from a few cents each to a few dollars. If you look into it, you may be able to purchase plates for the same cost as disposable.

A SECOND way to go green is to use decorative bags to wrap presents, when applicable. The bags can be reused year after year where wrapping paper is a one use item.

A THIRD way is to save your holiday cards. You can use this year's holiday cards for gift tags NEXT year. The decorative objects on the cover of the cards, like trees, ornaments or religious scenes can be cut out in a decorative manner, hole punched and strung with string on a gift bag as a "bag tag". This ensures that each "bag tag" is personalized.

REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE ... there are many ways to creatively reuse products. Keep it classy and personalized so that your GREEN efforts are appreciated by others and inspire others to BE MINDFUL ABOUT WHAT THEY USE.

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