Sunday, December 2, 2018

Multivitamins .... A multipurpose gift you give your body

People need multivitamins

People often do not get all the nutrients they need from their diets. Even those with the best intentions may need to take a multivitamin. There are several reasons why most people, if not all, should supplement their diet with a multivitamin. According to studies, 50% of Americans are estimated to be nutrient deficient due to:
  • The soil quality in which plants are grown is declining in quality. 
  • There are increasing environmental and physical stressors which take a toll on the body. 
  • People's diets have more processed food in them than they did in the past. 
  • 1 in 4 adults do not eat a full serving of fruits and vegetables each day
  • 1 in 3 American women are said to be deficient in Folate and Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, and E
  • 40% of adults do not get enough Vitamins A, C, D, and E as well as calcium and magnesium

How do you know which multivitamin to purchase?

There are numerous multivitamins on the market which means that you need to do your homework to find the best product at the best price.You should purchase from a trusted natural products retailer and look for a product that has natural ingredients that are more easily absorbed by the body and active forms of B's to increase absorption. You should also look for brands that prioritize transparency and quality to guarantee you are getting what is advertised on the packaging.

Benefits of multivitamins

A daily multivitamin can help provide a good foundation for your health. It can also protect you when you experience stress, do not get a good night of sleep, and do not the opportunity for regular exercise

Skin and hair health are supported by biotin, beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
Eye health is supported by vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E
Bone health is supported by vitamin D, calcium and magnesium,  vitamins K1 and K12
A healthy thyroid, balanced metabolism, and high energy are supported by Iodine and B vitamins
Immune support comes from beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, and Vitamin D
A healthy mind is supported by zinc and B vitamins
A healthy heart is supported by E-Vitamins

Are there risks to taking multivitamin?

There are conflicting opinions on the use of supplements. Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine say "there is evidence of possible harm from high doses of certain vitamin supplements". They advocate foe eating balanced meals comprised of real foods as they believe "pills are not a shortcut to better health and the prevention of chronic disease". According to researchers at Harvard, "there are potential benefits and there are no known risks at this time...[therefore] it is worth considering a multivitamin as part of a healthy lifestyle."

Given the conflicting opinions from the medical community, people should not go out and spend money on products they have not researched. Consideration to make when deciding what vitamins you need include analyzing blood test results from your annual exam and critically looking into your diet to see what nutrients you could add from food rather than a supplement. According to the Physicians Health Study II, researchers looked at the effect of long-term multivitamin use in healthy men on various aspects of health. They found men were 8% less likely to be diagnosed with cancer and (The protective effect was greatest in men with a history of cancer) no protection against heart attacks, strokes, or death from cardiovascular disease.

For more information, read Delicious Living's article The Benefits of Multivitamins.