Sunday, March 24, 2019

Four Steps to Take to Reduce Plastic Use

Four Steps to Take to Reduce Plastic Use

I read an article, 10 Ways to Say No to Plastic, by Melaina Juntti and learned that humans have generated over 8 billion metric tons of plastic since 1950. The biodegradable plastic is still sitting in landfills, as the decomposition process takes QUITE A LONG TIME. Plastic refuse is everywhere; on the side of the street, in the ocean, in the forest, and in proper recycling/trash bins. 

Recently I have been informed that there is trouble with plastic recycling since China passed the National Sword policy banning plastic waste from being imported (to protect their environment) beginning January 2018. According to an NPR story from January 2018, The US, Japan, and Germany are all at the top of the list when it comes to exporting their used plastic. In the US alone, over 26 million tons were sent out of the country between 1988 and 2016. The waste that had been traveling o China is piling up in communities. Something needs to be done. 

I continue to search for more ways to create less waste. I belong to a Facebook group, Journey to Zero Waste, which gives me ideas on ways I can create less of a footprint on the Earth and leave it a better place than I found it. This article pointed out ways we can all contribute to the environment through a reduction in our use of plastics.

Suggestions for the home include:

  1. Remove yourself from mailing lists. The plastic windows in envelopes make the envelopes not able to be recycled.
  2. Use bar soap rather than liquid soap (in a plastic container)
  3. Skip balloons at parties and opt for recyclable decorations
  4. Skipping plastic produce plastic bags and bringing your own reusable bags instead



“This post (or portions of this post) was provided by New Hope Network. I am a member of the New Hope Influencer Co-op, a network of health and wellness bloggers committed to spreading more health to more people.”

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