Monday, June 25, 2018

Natural Skincare

I am interested in NATURAL SKINCARE and am looking to eliminate chemicals from my beauty routine and my home. I love this infographic from Delicious Living as it helps me make informed choices.

The natural, non-toxic ingredients provide your skin with just what it needs. Customize the natural elements you seek out based upon your skin type or the season if your skin's need change through the year.

I know that I take a daily prebiotic/probiotic and that helps not only my gut but also my skin. Take care of your body both inside and outside!

Look for these ingredients as the main ingredients in products when you need to replenish your supply. Be mindful of the packaging too .... you want to make sure chemicals do not leach from packaging into your product

Life is a blank canvas; a masterpiece waiting to me made through food, fitness, family, and friends. Make healthy choices and encourage others to do so as well.

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